Introducing our 2025 package collections. Our boutique packages are designed to provide the best coverage of your special day. Whether a small intimate wedding or a grand celebration, we have something for you.
Our latest offerings
Add on’s.
Mains are served, now for dessert. Our add-ons compliments any of our package collections. What you need only. Nothing you dont.
Let us create an iconic short and sweet reel video for IG or Tiktok. Delivered to you a week after your wedding.
We interview your guests and let them leave a few kind words to form a compilation video guest book.
We send you a hard drive containing all the raw footage filmed from the entire day. Untouched and Unedited.
Have a personal content creator capture content throughout the day. Formatted and colour-graded for you to use on social media.
Live stream your ceremony + Reception online. For guests and family to remote view from the comforts of their homes.
It all begins with a Hello. Come say hi, we would love to chat about your big day. Your journey starts here.