Introducing our 2025 package collections. Our boutique packages are designed to provide the best coverage of your special day. Whether a small intimate wedding or a grand celebration, we have something for you.

Our latest offerings

Add on’s.

Mains are served, now for dessert. Our add-ons compliments any of our package collections. What you need only. Nothing you dont.

  • Let us create an iconic short and sweet reel video for IG or Tiktok. Delivered to you a week after your wedding.


  • We interview your guests and let them leave a few kind words to form a compilation video guest book.


  • We send you a hard drive containing all the raw footage filmed from the entire day. Untouched and Unedited.


  • Have a personal content creator capture content throughout the day. Formatted and colour-graded for you to use on social media.


  • Live stream your ceremony + Reception online. For guests and family to remote view from the comforts of their homes.




It all begins with a Hello. Come say hi, we would love to chat about your big day. Your journey starts here.